Chanukah Book Tag


I was tagged to do this by Clara from Lost in my Library, and this is her original tag! Go Clara! While I do not celebrate Chanukah, I admit I am very jealous of the food (everything just sounds so gooooddd). So, without further ado, the questions:

Chanukah/Hanukkah/Chanfkejawodak: A fictional name you can never spell right

I’m going to pick the same one as Clara for this one, but for a different reason. Shahrzad from The Wrath and the Dawn is a name I can never spell right, because I want so desperately for it to be the original (for me) Scheherazade. I played this  Rimsky-Korsakov piece for four years in a row in orchestra, so seeing the name shortened irks me just a tad.

Eight Nights: A series that got more books than planned

For this one I’m going with basically the Shadowhunter world, by Cassandra Clare. The Mortal Instruments series was originally supposed to be only 3 books, and it ended up being six, and we now have several other books and series in the works. Honestly, I’ve given up on trying to keep up with this world.

Maccabees: Your favorite fictional rebel/underdog

I think for this one I’m going to have to go with the heist crew from the Six of Crows duology. I’m currently reading Crooked Kingdom, and I’m pulling so hard for all of my babies, even though the odds are so constantly and heavily stacked against them.

Menorah: A book that lights up your life

I tried really hard not to copy Clara on this one, but I have to go with Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda. No other book is so good, and so pure. While I’ve only read this one once, it has completely stuck with me ever since and I can’t wait to reread it with a package of Oreos to accompany me.

Dreidel: A book that you took a chance on 

This one was really hard, but I think I’m going to have to go with Illuminae. I’m not a huge fan of science fiction, and I’d never read a book anything close to this odd formatting before. I had no real reason for picking this up other than the beautiful cover and the intrigue of the format. I absolutely loved it, and I’m so glad that I took a chance on this one.

Latkes: Your favorite fictional food

Oh, gosh. This one was really hard, but probably Lembas bread from the Lord of the Rings. Food that keeps you satisfied for days on end? Yes, please! It might even get me through one of my classes! (because who doesn’t suddenly find themselves starving in the middle of a 90-minute class)

Applesauce and Sour Cream: Your favorite bookish rivalry

Definitely Baz and Simon from Carry On. While this may not entirely count as a rivalry, watching these two develop and watching their relationship evolve was so much fun, and I really want more of their story.

Sufganyot: A book that’s filled with sweetness 

Anna and the French Kiss, or actually any Stephanie Perkins. The relationships in her books are so sweet and cute, and I love her characters so much. Anna and Etienne will always be my favorites though, if I’m being honest.

Bonus: Your favorite Jewish character

I need to read more books with Jewish characters, for sure. But, so far my favorite is probably Max, from The Book Thief. I really want to reread that book again soon, because it’s been a while and I miss those characters so much.

Do you read books with Jewish characters? Do you have any recommendations for me? Tell me in the comments!


One thought on “Chanukah Book Tag

  1. Clara @ Lost in My Library says:

    Hmmmm, I don’t know…DO I read books with Jewish characters? 🙂 Do I or do I not have literally an entire Goodreads shelf of them? And I can’t BELIEVE I didn’t think of lembas bread for best fictional food – that would be so great to actually have!

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